Dream-link bizographies are business biographies which link small businesses with their target markets through social media posted videos, which are edited to be also used as television broadcast ready video advertorials as well as video investor relations proposals.

These videos will also be licensed for in-store advertising within region-specific grocery and retail spaces. They will also be used for municipal and regional television advertising to be submitted to television stations for advertising or publicity purposes. The videos may also be used for regional/municipal print media for media relations purposes as a part of the publicist's pitch to gain media interest in the entrepreneur's service or product.

The videos are also used as a new media addition to our grant and proposal writer's investor relations kit for growing enterprises which seek investment in order to achieve fiscal objectives within their marketing planning strategy and organizational growth initiatives.

Dream-link connects sellers with their buyers, investors and endorsers; getting their dream product/service the investor approval, public exposure, tastemaker endorsement and growing revenue it deserves.

At Ocean Flame Communications, your dream is our ambition. We provide the media buying (advertising placement for TV/Radio/Online/Retail), media relations (TV/Radio/Online publicity) and investor relations (grant writing and independent investor sourcing) services allowing you to connect with your market, customers, prospects and investors in order to continue living your dream.

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